We are working on our second unit of inquiry this year: How We Organize Ourselves – An inquiry into the structure and function of organization.

Our Central Idea is: Organizations emerge to satisfy needs.

We will be learning about citizenship, our responsibilities, and the choices that people make, how roles in our society work, and how governing structures and networks are connected.


Lines of Inquiry      We will be learning using these key concepts:

Connection – How is it connected to other things?

Function – How does it work?

Responsibility – What is our responsibility?


Learner Profile Attributes

Principled: honest, fair and responsible

Thinkers: thinkers, reason, problem-solve and analyze

Reflective: thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experiences


Approaches to Learning

Thinking Skills: Analysis

Social Skills: Accepting Responsibility, Cooperating, Group Decision Making

Communication Skills: Listening, Speaking

Request for Parent Volunteers

If you have a job in the community that you would like to share about with our grade 2 students please contact your classroom teacher. In past we have met the mayor and nurses, doctors, scuba diving instructors but it would be great to meet other people who work and live in our community so we can INQUIRE and ask questions about their work, training and experiences. A thank you to the parents who have already shared with our grade 2 students or are scheduled to present during our unit.



Unfortunately City Hall is unable to have our Grade 2 students visit this year as the Mayor is quite busy.

There is a chance for you to go to City Hall this coming weekend. As part of our current Unit of Inquiry we are learning about local government and what they do for us. On Saturday November 23rd, 2019 from 1-4pm North Vancouver City Hall will be hosting a “Kids in the Hall.” If you are able to stop in at some point during that time you could help your child inquire into what happens at the North Vancouver City Hall and what services they provide to their citizens.


We will be voting for a class mascot through elections being held at our school next week. Ask your child who they will vote for!