Thank you to Julianna’s mom, Rachel, who shared all about her photography business. She led an excellent lesson where our grade 2 students where inquiring into what it means to be an Entrepreneur and own your own business.

Rachel recommended starting with finding something that you are passionate about, and for her that was photography and babies. Before starting her own baby photography business she had some steps that she went through.

She shared about the steps that she went through and she encouraged our grade 2s to think about if they want to start their own business. She used a future Lemonade Stand as an example business that our students could start.

Steps that Rachel recommended an entrepreneur go through when establishing their own business:

  1. Find something you are passionate about.
  2. Set your goal and vision. What are you creating the business for?
  3. Create a plan – you will need to work really hard.
  4. Read a lot of books about different ideas and possibilities, learn more about your passion.

Ariana from Division 13 suggested that its important to believe in yourself if you want to become an entrepreneur.  Rachel agreed and talked about choosing to not be afraid to fail, learn from mistakes, and that when we fail, we learn from our mistakes. She talked about not giving up and staying motivated.

Thank you Julianna and Rachel!