In division 12 we use a website called Go Noodle. It is a great classroom tool that gets us moving, dancing, singing and reading! Students can create accounts at home with their parents or guardians assistance. You need to have an email address to sign up… I do not think many 6 or 7 year olds have email addresses!
I have a home account for my daughter and the cool feature of this website is that it will email you with mini progress updates.
I really appreciate that so many of our students have been risk-takers as they try out this new website in our class. I like Peanut Butter in a cup from the Moose tube channel. We enjoy The Moose Tube channel and the Koo Koo Kangaroo channel. We will be trying many different ones throughout the school year.
I have already heard from one parent that they are going to try it at home.
Thank you for your continued support. We are all looking forward to a great year! 🙂