What are the skills that our students need to start the 2016 – 2017 school year?

In a recent TEDx that stressed the Home-School connection, Esther Wojcicki spoke about creating classrooms that work. She talks about how the first teachers that children have are their parents and that is where our children learn about TRICKs. Her acronym – TRICK – stands for Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration, Kindness.

These are things that we need to teach our children. These are things that we need to show our children. These are the things that will make life better.

As an IB World School the staff and students at Queen Mary Elementary learn about the IB Learner Profiles Attributes as part of the Primary Years Program. This language is powerful to me as a teacher and it has informed my relationship with my own child. Will your child choose these words to describe you? Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Caring, Principled, Open-minded, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective.

Some information about the Primary Years Program from the IBO:

“The PYP prepares students to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate respect for themselves and others and have the capacity to participate in the world around them. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both within and beyond the classroom.”

Find out more about the PYP, about Queen Mary Elementary, a PYP IB World School and the IBO.