Did someone say SKUNK!

A big thank you to Saskia and her mom Shadow from Division 12. They shared on MS Teams this picture and video of some baby skunks who are super cute. I especially like the “stickers” pointing out where the den is. I wonder if these young skunks can produce the same spray and smell that the older ones can? They look soft, fluffy and very playful!

We encourage our families to continue to notice the world around you through the summer. There are so many awesome connections and conversations to share.

Summer Notes:

  • Read Live Parent Online Pass word will be disabled at the end of the week.
  • If you are still interested in doing Math online you can continue to use Prodigy.
  • If you are looking for things to read online check out Epic or check out the menu/order/request system at the North Vancouver City Library.


Have a great summer everyone!